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Ingredients for sauces and dressings


Exhibitor Products

Ingredients for sauces and dressings

INTERSTARCH Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 2 Stand: S2-E49
  • Ingredients for sauces and dressings
  • Ingredients for sauces and dressings
  • Ingredients for sauces and dressings
Ingredients for sauces and dressings Ingredients for sauces and dressings Ingredients for sauces and dressings
Modified pregelatinized starches can quickly obtain a paste of necessary viscosity without heating. They increase the consumer qualities of finished products and optimize their production. Each type of starch has undergone technological testing and adapted to a wide range of applications according to customer’s needs. Starch E1450 allows you to create stable emulsions in products such as mayonnaise, non-dairy creams, and beverage emulsions.


  • Condiments & Sauces