HONEY is our passion - and has been since 1954. The
production and distribution of Honey has come first in
our family business in the past 68 years. We can
provide everything that Honey lovers want: honey
comb, liquid honey as multiflower, acacia, forest, black
forest, chestnut honey. Also mixtures like honey with
royal jelly and honey with black seed belongs to our
portfolio. In more than 40 countries worldwide,
delicious products of BURAM are available.
Consumers appreciate the best quality of various
products we have implemented to the market. Buram
Honey is not only present in supermarkets. We are
also a strong partner for the food industry and
gastronomy. Despite all the turbulences in the past 68
years - one thing will never change: Buram will remain a family business with only the best quality.
Fabrikstr. 9a 16761 HennigsdorfGermany
Exhibitor Products
Buram Natural Honey - we produce our Honey with the German regulation.
Our Number 1 in is Suadi Arabian Market
Buram Sidr Honey NEW