Hall: Za'abeel Hall 2 Stand: Z2-D62
- | Beverages
- | Carbonated Soft Drinks
- | Juices & Nectars
- | Non-alcoholic Beverages
The South of Brazil was the birthplace of the Aurora Winery. In this region, the first Italian immigrants arrived and established their culture in 1875. In 1931, sixteen families of grape producers funded the Aurora Winery, now with 1100 families associated.
The company is built on the principles of cooperativism, and social and economic activism; always committed socially and environmentally to its members, employees, and community.
Aurora is responsible for an average production of 70 million kilograms of grapes a year and exports its wines, sparkling wines, grape juices, and coolers to more than 20 countries.
Rua Olavo Bilac, 500 - Bairro Cidade Alta - Postal Code: 95700-362 Bento Gonçalves - RS - BrasilBrazil
Exhibitor Products
A juice made 100% from grapes, testified as non-alcoholic, with no preservatites and lots of the health bennefits.