Hall: Shk Maktoum Hall
Stand: M-236
- | Dry Goods
- | Instant Noodles
- | Spices & Seasonings
- | Dried Fruits
- | Pasta
- | Instant Soups
- | Fortified Foods & Health Products
- | Fortified & Functional Products
- | Health & Wellness Products
- | Grains / Cereals / Flours
- | Breakfast Cereals
- | Pulses
- | Rice
- | Brown Rice
- | Oats
- | Corn
- | Freekeh
- | Wheat
- | Halal and Kosher Food
ALDOHA for food industries is one of the leading companies in the field of producing dry food products in the Egyptian market since 1980. We were keen to invest in all new technologies for our industry, and we continue to introduce a wide variety of products that fulfill our customers’ expectations, as we offer the best natural nourishment, which might be used for any dried foods ever.
Qatameyah plot No: 28-S1 Investments industrial zone, Cairo, Egypt.Egypt