Lidakhleboproduct/Smorgon Plant of Bread Production
Hall: Hall 1
Stand: D1-2
- | Bakery, Cakes & Desserts
- | Baking Supplies
- | Dry Goods
- | Pasta
- | Instant Soups
- | Fortified Foods & Health Products
- | Fortified & Functional Products
- | Frozen Food
- | Frozen Meat
- | Grains / Cereals / Flours
- | Breakfast Cereals
- | Rye
- | Oats
- | Wheat
- | Halal and Kosher Food
- | Meat & Poultry
- | Poultry & Feathered Game
- | Organic Products
- | Private Label
Lidahleboprodukt JSC is the largest manufacturer of flour milling products in Belarus, one of the flagships of the food industry. The Lidskaya Muka brand is one of the most recognizable Belarusian brands, which is in demand among the population both in the country and abroad. Today the company produces the following products: wheat, rye and triticale flour, semi-finished flour products, pasta, poultry and offal, cereals, mixed feed and premixes. JSC Lidahleboprodukt is the only enterprise in Belarus that produces stamped pasta.
231300, Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Lida, Bulata str., 1Belarus