Marka Soft Drink
Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 1
Stand: S1-F64
- | Beverages
- | Carbonated Soft Drinks
- | Energy Drinks
- | Flavoured Water
- | Iced Tea
- | Juices & Nectars
Márka is one of the oldest Hungarian soft drinks, with more than a 50 year old history. In 2007, the distribution of Márka Soft Drinks became exclusive as a family business, at which time Márka Üdítőgyártó Kft. started the “building” according to its new plans. Today Márka is the number one beverage producer in Hungary. Adrenalin Energy is also owned and produced by Márka. With Márka You can also make your dream product come true with our 4 production lines and 290 million bottles / year capacity!
Márka ipartelep 1. Felsőlajos 6055 Bács-Kiskun CountyHungary