Saratov Lavr Ltd
Hall: Trade Centre Arena
Stand: S-H59
- | Bakery, Cakes & Desserts
- | Baking Supplies
- | Beverages
- | Instant Beverages
- | Dry Goods
- | Spices & Seasonings
- | Instant Soups
- | Fortified Foods & Health Products
- | Health & Wellness Products
- | Organic Products
- | Private Label
Saratov-Lavr Ltd. is one of the TOP50 Sales Leaders on the
Russian market of spices and seasonings.
“Estetika Vkusa” and “Vidin” — the most popular Trade
Marks of the company.
Production and sale of more than 450 SKU of TM “Estetika
Vkusa“, ТМ “Vidin”, ТМ “Salero Grande” and ТМ “Miss
Aroma” in the categories of Spices, Seasonings, Culinary
Additives, Instant Foods, Sports nutrition. Manufacture of
products under Private Label.
- 25 years on the Russian market of the spices and
- 100% quality control at every stage of the manufacturing
- More than 500 SKU.
Arbatskaya str.,28Russia