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Erregi S.r.l.



Erregi S.r.l.

Hall: Hall 1 Stand: B1-23
  • | Condiments & Sauces
  • | Dairy
  • | Cheese
  • | Dry Goods
  • | Canned Products
  • | Pasta
  • | Frozen Food
  • | Frozen Dairy Products
  • | Grains / Cereals / Flours
  • | Pulses
  • | Rice
  • | Halal and Kosher Food
  • | Organic Products
  • | Vegetable & Animal Oils & Fats
Erregi s.r.l. was founded in 1996 with tens of years of experience in the Italian agro-industrial field that, thanks to our favorable weather conditions, offers a unique range of foods considered the princes of the Mediterranean diet with a considerable variety different from region to region and famous in all the world.


Via 2 Giugno,3
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Exhibitor Products

  • This product is obtained only from the unique tomatoes of our sunny lands in South Italy, processed on the same day they are collected to keep their fresh taste and fragrance intact. The thick juice and the well-ripe red color tomatoes give it a high ...
  • Castello olive oil is bottled in the plant located in the National Park of the Cilento, south of Italy, where the mild and sunny climate guarantees oil production with unique organoleptic characteristics, coping the cultivation of olive trees and by ...

Exhibitor Brochures
