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Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 1 Stand: S1-K18
  • | Frozen Food
  • | Frozen Ready Meals
  • | Halal and Kosher Food
  • | Seafood
  • | Specialty Food
  • | Value-Added Food
Wofco, is a fully and vertically integrated Spanish seafood company, specializing in Argentine shrimp and patagonian squid. We have owned vessels and manufacturing facilities in South America, Asia, Europe and Africa. We supply our products to all continents, through importers, distributors, food services and retailers.


Camiño Laranxo, 17
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Exhibitor Products

  • Known as the common octopus, it is a cephalopod of great culinary value. Their meat is low in calories and low in cholesterol and fat. It is a highly valued product in restoration that allows multiple preparations and elaborations
  • The Patagonian squid is caught in the cold waters of the Southwest Atlantic (FAO 41) by trawling nets and after its capture immediately deep-frozen on board to preserve all its nutritional values and gastronomic properties. Loligo squid is low in cal ...
  • Red Argentine Shrimp is caught on the high seas and processed and frozen on the same boat in order to guarantee the exceptional freshness and quality of the product caught in the cold waters of Argentine Patagonia (FAO 41). Its natural and wild diet ...

Exhibitor Brands

  • The Conarpesa brand brings together different elaborations of shrimp caught at source with its own fleet. Products of the highest quality, frozen on board and added value.
  • Under the WOFCO brand, a wide portfolio of products is commercialized, among which stand out the southern shrimp, patagonian squid, tuna or argentinian squid. This brand includes our retail range desi ...

Exhibitor Videos
