18 Sep 2024
Businesswoman from the São João region participates in Sebrae-SP mission in Peru From São Sebastião da Grama, Patrícia Guerra Moreira de Mendonça joins a mission that will visit Expoalimentaria, the leading exhibition in the sector in Latin America, from September 23 to 28.

Businesswoman Patrícia Guerra Moreira de Mendonça, from VG Comércio de Café in São Sebastião da Grama, will be one of the participants in Sebrae-SP’s Business Mission to Lima, Peru.
Patrícia, from São Sebastião da Grama, is supported by the Sebrae-SP Regional Office in São João da Boa Vista.
"This year, I launched the Villa Di Grama coffee brand, a project resulting from a Sebrae-SP program called ALI Rural, which, after analyzing the operations on my farm, recommended the brand launch. My expectation for the mission in Peru is to understand the local coffee market, learn about market prospects, and prospect some specialty coffee clients," said Patrícia.
Expoalimentaria will not be the first mission for the entrepreneur, as she has previously participated in missions to Paraguay and Chile. "When I launched the brand, I intended to explore external markets as well. The missions to both countries were valuable: in Paraguay, I had more meetings with companies than in Chile, but those meetings in Chile were with well-targeted businesses that work with the product. So, I believe that with good post-event follow-up, we can start working with these companies," she said.
Regarding the fair in Peru, although she believes it may be more challenging to introduce her specialty coffee into that market – which is also a coffee producer – she doesn’t see it as impossible. "There is a possibility of finding traders who want Brazilian coffee. The prospects are good since the demand for specialty coffee is growing both in the domestic and international markets. Brazilian coffee has high receptivity, and it's just a matter of finding those who are open to receiving this product," she concluded.