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Exhibitor Brands


MASFROST Sp. z o.o. Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 1 Stand: S1-A20
VEGGERS, a new brand created by MASFROST, was designed to meet the expectations of our customers by providing the most popular assortments in a fresh, modern style, VEGGERS brand philosophy : HEALTHY PRODUCT FROM POLAND H I G H - Q U A L I T Y, AFFORDA B L E P R I C E, The versatility of our design allows packaging to be prepared quickly and easily across our full range. This means that the design can be adapted to any product size and any number of pieces per carton. Packaging options: • From 400g to 500g • From 700g to 1000g • From 2000 g to 2500g Our main frozen products in VEGGERS brand are: 1. Green peas frozen 2. Cut green beans frozen 3. Super sweet corn kernels frozen 4. Peas and carrots frozen 5. 3-way mix frozen 6. 4-way mix frozen 7. Carrot cubes frozen


  • Frozen Food
  • Frozen Fruit & Vegetables