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Al Mouhajir: Elevating Tea Culture Through Tradition and Purity


Exhibitor Press Releases

Al Mouhajir: Elevating Tea Culture Through Tradition and Purity

SVA Italy S.r.l. Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 1 Stand: S1-316
Founder Abderrahim Morghati's passion for tea has given rise to Al Mouhajir, a company dedicated to distributing a wide selection of premium teas sourced from cultivations where processing is still carried out using traditional methods. With a commitment to preserving the authenticity and purity of tea, Al Mouhajir's mission is to exclusively curate teas from plantations that eschew the use of pesticides and synthetic chemicals. Al Mouhajir invites tea connoisseurs and those who appreciate the importance of pure, untainted tea to embark on a sensory voyage. The carefully selected teas ensures that every sip tells a story of dedication to tradition and a commitment to natural, unadulterated flavors. Discover at Gulfood 2024 the unparalleled pleasure of savoring tea that is not just a beverage but a cultural experience.