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OliVchicken® Breast Fillet Boneless, Skinless


Exhibitor Products

OliVchicken® Breast Fillet Boneless, Skinless

OliVchicken ® Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 1 Stand: S1-G9
  • OliVchicken® Breast Fillet Boneless, Skinless
  • OliVchicken® Breast Fillet Boneless, Skinless
  • OliVchicken® Breast Fillet Boneless, Skinless
OliVchicken® Breast Fillet Boneless, Skinless OliVchicken® Breast Fillet Boneless, Skinless OliVchicken® Breast Fillet Boneless, Skinless
Fed with 100% vegetable feed, vitamins and trace elements of which 55% corn & 2% Greek Olive oil High content in Selenium. Hundreds of recipes, numerous ways of roasting, but the taste is always the same because Aggelakis OliVchicken® Breast Fillet comes from chickens fed from the very first day of their lives just with cereals -mainly corn- and “the magic ingredient” of Greek farmland – olive oil. A healthy lifestyle awaits you!


  • Meat & Poultry
  • Poultry & Feathered Game