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World Food


World Food

The Evolution of the Global Food Economy

In today’s rapidly changing landscape, the global food economy is adapting to meet the evolving demands of consumers who are increasingly conscious of health, sustainability, and familiarity in their food choices.

As a result, several key trends are emerging that reflect these priorities:

  • Sustainable Farming Practices: Companies increasingly adopt sustainable farming methods, emphasising agrobiodiversity and innovations like crop gene editing to bolster resilience against climate challenges.

  • Preventive Health Focus: Consumers proactively seek products that address personal health concerns, prioritising weight management, heart health, and healthy ageing, which drives demand for health-focused offerings.

  • Plant-Based Familiarity: Integrating plant-based products into familiar dishes is a rising trend. Half of consumers prefer recognisable culinary formats when selecting plant-based options. This includes finger foods, ready-made meals and more.